Caregiver Health a Priority

If you’re a caregiver, studies show that there are many health problems that you are vulnerable to.  It is very important that you “take care of yourself so you can help take care of others.” This is our Age Sage motto.

4 Tips for today:

1)  Exercise. Move! It relieves stress and usually makes you feel better!

2)  Pray / Meditate. Prayer has been shown to decrease agitation in people with Alzheimer’s – so it would be good for caregivers and the person being cared for.  Relax, focus on your breathing, smile, connect.

3)  Eat right. I mean eat and drink what works for your body. You are the only one who knows what that is.  Be good to yourself, and cooperate with what works for you so you can enjoy increased energy and vitality!

4)  Find the information and resources you need. Part of the stress of caregiving is the stress involved  to navigate the fragmented senior services. includes articles, support and a national eldercare directory for all your eldercare needs – it brings everything eldercare to one place – so you can relax.

Remember, take good care of yourself today.  Enjoy.

What have you found works best to keep you in balance and in good health while managing caregiving?

All the best,

Dr Cheryl


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