5 Minutes For Me! Awareness

Today is about nurturing yourself while you’re doing regular activities.

For example, how about enjoying a shower meditation? While you’re showering, take the time to feel the water on your skin, and imagine it washing away the stress of the day.

While you are eating, bring your awareness to the taste of the food in your mouth.  Allow yourself to appreciate you nurturing yourself with healthy food to keep...

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Taking Care of the Caregiver

The concept of taking care of yourself first so you can help take care of others continues to intrigue me.  I used to think most people naturally took care of themselves first, and I was “the only one” who needed practice with this.  I have always been good at taking care of others. It came naturally. I am continually amazed to find that not taking care of oneself first seems to be a human condition...

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Resting ā€“ for Caregiver Health

Today, I’d like you all to stretch out of your comfort zones for 5 minutes for Me!   Today, I want you to just rest. Yes, rest. This could mean sleeping, or just sitting down and doing nothing.  Rest has a lot of value, including being restorative.

So, after you’re done reading this blog, please, go be somewhere just with you, turn off the lights and the phone and the pagers – put up a sign that...

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Breathing ā€“ for Caregiver Health

Hello everyone!  This 5 Minutes for Me! focuses on your breath.

Focusing on your breath is a powerful tool, bringing relaxation, balance and clearing.

Set a timer for 5 minutes.  In the most quiet, peaceful room you can find, sit comfortably in a chair with your feet on the floor and your hands in your lap. Set your intention to focus only on your breath and let go of any other concerns or worries. (It may help to...

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Welcome to 5 Minutes for Me!

I am aware that caregiver health is a major public health issue. Caregivers are more twice as likely to be depressed,  have higher hospitalization rates, higher risk of heart disease, and slower healing rates than non-caregivers. The list goes on.  Physical, mental and emotional health can all be affected. The bottom-line is, it is time for caregivers to start taking better care of themselves. I love the simple...

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Gratitude is the Attitude!

What a difference an attitude makes!

I’ve been aware of feeling kind of “funky” over the last couple days, but didn’t know exactly why. It hit me tonight that I’ve been focusing on all the “bad” news in the media – the economy, the war, the bailouts, the political corruption and more. I’ve been allowing it to affect me and bring me down.

What I know is that in the past,...

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What Can You Do for Your Country, and Yourself?

Our 44th president asked for each of us to look at where we might be able to change in order to help our country. Caregivers are serving already, making a significant difference to our country by keeping the long term care costs lower.

As caregivers, here are some questions to reflect upon if you are called to…

  1. How can I take even better loving care of myself?
  2. How can I serve my community or my family?
  3. What can I...
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Caregiver Health a Priority

If you’re a caregiver, studies show that there are many health problems that you are vulnerable to.  It is very important that you “take care of yourself so you can help take care of others.” This is our Age Sage motto.

4 Tips for today:

1)  Exercise. Move! It relieves stress and usually makes you feel better!

2)  Pray / Meditate. Prayer has been shown to decrease agitation in people...

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