Am I a Caregiver?

Nobody applies for this job. Most try to deny the possibility they might be called upon to help, or that their loved one might be anything less than independent. Sooner or later, though, something occurs, and it will be looming in front of you.

The term “caregiver” refers to anyone who provides assistance to someone else who needs help. Specifically, we are generally referring to “informal”...

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New Awareness of Everyday Activities ā€“ for Caregiver Health

Today is about nurturing yourself while you’re doing regular activities.

For example, how about enjoying a shower meditation? While you are showering, take the time to feel the water on your skin, and imagine it washing away the stress of the day.

While you are eating, bring your awareness to the taste of the food in your mouth.  Allow yourself to appreciate you nurturing yourself with healthy food to keep your...

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Warning signs - When does mom need my help?

Are you starting to see changes with your parents and thinking you need to jump in and help them? Have you offered to help and they refused to do anything differently?  Many times adult children will start to worry about their parents, but it's not quite time to change anything.  The list below are some warning signs to let you know they may need some help.


Difficulty walking
Frequently falling or...

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